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Thursday, January 24, 2013

UVision - Campus Plan / Natural Areas

The University of Victoria is renewing it's 10 year campus plan and the UVic Student's Society is organizing a two-day feedback forum for students to give their input for a student-led submission to the planning committee. The two day event called UVision is to be held at the Student Union Building on February 6 and 7, 2013 from 1 pm to 4 pm and a workshop on Feb. 7 from 6 - 8 pm. As part of the Restoration Volunteers Network Club, I have drafted some ideas (see in BOLD below) on what the new Campus Plan should include in its Natural Areas section. Please feel free to review and to contribute your own ideas to UVision! The event page on Facebook is

Pictured Above: Parking Lot or Natural Area? What does a sustainable campus look like? (Photo credit: Andrew MacKinnon, Feb. 4th, 2013)

Campus Plan 2003, pg. 18 

Proposed Revisions for 2013-2023 in Bold

2.3.1 Natural Areas

A large area of the campus is considered natural. Outside Ring Road, this includes Mystic
Vale, Haro Woods, the Garry Oak Meadow, the South Woods and the Bowker Creek
wetlands. These natural areas are environmentally important, contribute substantially to
UVic’s visual image, and have been actively used by the faculty as a resource for teaching
and research. The treed areas have significant aesthetic value because they are the first
view of the campus from its major south and west entrances. The green perspective from
the Henderson Road approach is unique among Canadian university campuses, and is the
signature vista of UVic.

As a public institution, the University acknowledges a responsibility to maintain natural areas in as pristine a condition as possible for the well being of the community. The University's role of steward of natural areas includes leading with community partners to improve the habitat quality for native species of plants and animals, acknowledging a connection with the traditional uses by First Nations and facilitating appropriate uses of natural areas by the surrounding community.

There are ongoing concerns about the conditions of some of the natural areas, especially
with regard to invasive species and the impacts to soil conditions and drainage patterns
from construction and other activities. There are also concerns regarding the use of the
Cunningham Woods within Ring Road.

The following policy directions will guide future protection, restoration and enhancement
of the University’s natural areas. Wherever the ‘A’ symbol appears, this denotes that there is
a corresponding action item in Section 5.

Policy Directions – Natural Areas

OS#1 Protection
The principal natural areas of the campus are identified in Figure 3. Mystic
Vale and Haro Woods are protected from development in perpetuity. The
University is committed to the preservation of the entire forested area
associated with Mystic Vale and Haro Woods to ensure the long-term health
of the area as habitat for local flora and fauna. The University pledges to improve the biophysical condition of Mystic Vale and Haro Woods by working with appropriate municipal authorities, (ie. stormwater control in Hobbs Creek).

OS#2 Protection
There will be a moratorium for 10 years on any form of development in
all other natural areas outside Ring Road, as identified in Figure 3. This
includes the South Woods, Finnerty Gardens, Garry Oak Meadow and
Bowker Creek wetlands. The addition of paths and underground services
will be exempt from this moratorium. The University pledges to extend this moratorium in perpetuity and will endeavor to identify non-essential degraded areas and restore them.

OS#3 Protection
There will be a freeze on the use of Cunningham Woods for 10 years as
identified in Figure 3 and shown in larger scale on the following page.
Further definition of the boundaries of this area may occur, following
the completion of the environmental study to be undertaken in the
implementation of this plan. The University pledges to extend the moratorium on Cunningham Woods in perpetuity.

OS#4 Potential Protection
There are additional pockets of natural areas within the Landscaped Areas
and Buildings Area in Figure 3 that may be identified for protection at the
time new buildings and facilities are being planned. The area known as the CJVI property will be included in the moratorium on development for 10 years. For any new buildings or facilities constructed after 2013, the University pledges to purchase an equivalent land area for restoration to its natural state, in effect a non-net loss policy for natural areas.

OS#5 Restoration – ‘A’
The University will engage in plans, implementation activities, and
monitoring programs to steward appropriate natural areas back to better
health. Native plants will replace invasive species, except in the University
Gardens. The University will complete an ecological inventory and map of
the entire campus, including areas of ecological value that may exist in the
Landscaped Areas and Buildings Area in Figure 3. The university will institute a “living laboratory” style mandate to engage students, faculty, administration and the public and private sector in restoration practices. It will set hard targets for removing invasive species, improving habitat and increasing the native species biodiversity of all natural areas on campus.

OS#6 Access and Enjoyment – ‘A’
A planned pathway system will allow people to enjoy the natural areas of
the campus. Provisions for personal safety will be included. The University will implement a new trail system in Mystic Vale and other natural areas which will minimize the negative impact on human activity on Hobbs Creek and other sensitive wetlands, while maintaining public recreational uses.

OS#7 Perimeter Enhancement – ‘A’
Additional plantings will be added to supplement the natural areas
and enhance the University’s visual appearance to the surrounding
communities. Plantings will focus on the existing natural areas specifically including restoration of Garry Oak ecosystems as a priority.

OS#8 Storm Water Management – ‘A’
The University, in its preparation of an integrated comprehensive
stormwater management plan, will consider natural drainage patterns and
innovative designs to achieve no net increase in storm water run off. The University will take a lead role in negotiating a new storm water policy with Municipal authorities concerning stormwater flows entering and leaving campus and adversely affecting Mystic Vale and other wetland area currently being affected.

OS#9 Impacts of Development – ‘A’
Environmental studies will be conducted as an integral part of the planning
and design program for new buildings and facilities. The University will also
complete an ecological inventory and map of the entire campus, including
areas of ecological value that may exist in the Landscaped Area and
Buildings area as shown in Figure 3. The University will abide by an ecosystem planning model when making decisions with regard to land use, including a no net-loss policy of natural areas.

Campus Plan 2003, pg. 46


Action #6 More Environmental Study

Undertake further environmental studies on natural areas
identified in Figure 3 (p. 22) with an emphasis on identifying
all components of a maintenance and restoration strategy.
Complete an ecological inventory and map of the entire
campus, including areas of ecological value that may exist in
the Landscaped and Buildings Area in Figure 3. Institute an annual Ecosystem Report Card to determine the current biological trajectory and biodiversity in natural areas over time.

Action #7 Restoration Projects
Implement and monitor restoration projects to steward natural
areas to better health, replacing invasive flora with native,
drought-tolerant plants. Outline how to involve community
volunteers on these projects. Implement a “living laboratory” model to engage academia, administration and the public and private sector to undertake comprehensive restoration of natural areas and to convert non -essential surplus lands to a more natural state.

Action #8 Perimeter Enhancement
Plant additional native, drought-tolerant vegetation around the
campus perimeter. Encourage the restoration of a variety of ecosystem types including significant Garry Oak ecosystems located on the perimeter and throughout the campus.

Action #9 Pathways
Maintain and extend a pathway system through natural areas
and landscaped spaces. Decommission existing trails in Mystic Vale which are adversely impacting Hobbs Creek and create new trail system to avoid negative impacts on creek and wetland areas on campus.

Action #10 Campus Entries
Undertake potential improvements to the campus entrances,
as part of the comprehensive way-finding study (Reference:
Action 25). Construct signage at entries and around campus to identify native species and the importance of natural areas.

Action #11 Impact Studies
Engage environmental specialists to undertake impact studies
during the planning and design of new buildings and facilities. Adopt an ecosystem based planning model with regard to any new buildings and facilities. Include a policy of no net loss of natural areas.

Action #12 Outdoor Recreation Strategy
Undertake further planning for outdoor recreation areas. Clearly indicate areas that undergo restoration to avoid conflict with outdoor recreation uses. Encourage participation of outdoor recreational users in restoration projects.

Action#13 Traditional Land Uses
Acknowledge the traditional land uses of First Nations peoples with signage and promote the restoration of natural areas for traditional land uses. Encourage participation of First Nations in determining restoration goals for natural areas.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

EarthCorps Templates to Organize a Restoration Work Party

As part of my final project for the Restoration of Natural Systems, I organized a student work party to carry out restoration of Haro Woods, an on-campus natural area. I am indebted to EarthCorps in Seattle, WA for sharing with me their templates/checklist below for organizing restoration volunteer events. By sharing this information I hope that someone can use these for organizing their own restoration volunteer work party and to encourage others to become interested in restoration of natural areas.


What are your site boundaries? Flag your borders. Make sure your neighbors agree.

Determine your work.

  • What invasive plants are present? Draw a site map with hot spots indicated

  • Are you doing maintenance or new removal? How might one task or the other affect how much ground your volunteers cover?

  • Where will you put invasive weeds removed?

  • Where will you begin work with your volunteers? How will you distribute the work to be done among them, aka delegate tasks?

  • Can you identify any hazards in your site? What is your plan to deal with them?

  • How is access to your site? Is it hard to get to? What can you do to make it easier? Safer?

  • What can you do in your site now to prepare for the event?

Think about tools – what would you like to have and how many? Check out your tool list. Are there any tools not listed that you think could be helpful in your site? Add them to your sheet

Set a goal for what you’d like your volunteers to accomplish during the event. For example, set the goal of reaching a particular part of your site or a certain number of square feet. Think about how to communicate this goal to your volunteers.

Pace your entire site so that, post event data collection will be quick and easy. 

Volunteer Talking Points


  • Seattle-based organization whose mission is to build global community through local environmental service
  • We bring people from all over the world to learn environmental restoration techniques, they take the knowledge home and spread it
  • Share your personal connection to EarthCorps and why you are here today


  • Invasive plant species like English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry were brought to his area and planted by pioneers for their desirable characteristics of staying green all year round or tasty fruits.
  • These species can compete with our native plants and take over an ecosystem, making it so that nothing else can grow. This leaves us with forests of nothing but ivy and blackberry.
  • Ivy can actually kill trees by growing up into them, weighing them down and stealing their sunlight.
  • Explain what the project for the day is



  • Urban Hazards – trash, bottles, rusty objects, needles
  • Environmental Hazards – overhead hazards, footing, weather, sites bordered by steep slopes
  • Tools – show how to properly carry and use each tool
  • Travel corridor watch out for foot and bike traffic on trails. Off leash dogs
  • Volunteers should never work where they don’t feel comfortable!!
  • Ask if anyone is allergic to BEES
  • Let volunteers know where bathroom is located


  • Look out for native plants/id native plants in your station and point them out to volunteers
Demonstrate how to remove invasive plants or plant – whatever the tasks of the day

Event Name and Park
Event Date

Event Staff:
Number of Stations/Number of Volunteers Per Station

Volunteer Leads:
Site 1:
Site 2:
Site 3:
Site 4:
Site 5:
Site 6:
Site 7:
Site 8:
Site 9:
Site 10:
Site 11:
Site 12:

Hospitality Set Up and Maintenance:

  • Set up Site visit
  • Order Mulch
  • Order Toilets
  • Update and Print ERPS
  • Information to Crews
  • Site Descriptions Sheet
  • Event Agenda
  • Event Tool List
  • Event Materials List
  • Prep Day Agenda
  • Prep Day Tool List
  • Volunteer Lead Packets
    • Tool List
    • Schedule of the Day
    • Map
  • Floater Packets
    • Map
    • Schedule of the Day
    • Site Descriptions
  • Talking Points for Volunteer Leads

Prep Day Agenda
  • 7:30 Circle Up
  • 7:45 Meet in Corps Room for Event Info
  • Who? Volunteers: how many, their goal; Partners: their goal
  • What? Type of work to be done
  • Why? How does this project further the goals in the park? In the community?
  • How? Go over CM role in the day
  • When? Event Time frame, schedule of the day
  • Other Logistics – who is riding in what van, particular things to bring or know
  • Prep Day Schedule

  • 8:30 Load Vans with Prep Tools
  • 9:30 Arrive at Site
  • Site Tour
  • Prep Work in Sites
  • When finished, report to central location for next assignment

  • 11:45 Circle Up
  • Who is finished? Who needs help? What is left to do?

  • 12:00 Lunch

  • 12:45 Back to Work
  • Finish prep work in sites
  • If prep is done, maintenance in past sites or work in adjacent sites inappropriate for volunteers

  • 2:30 Circle Up for Loading Assignments
  • 2:45 Leave for EarthCorps
  • 3:15 Loading begins
  • 4:00 Meet in Corps Room for Questions and Wrap Up

Materials List
Van #Van #Van#Van#Van#
Volunteer boxTools


# on stakes



Trash bins

Garbage bags

Extra cups/snacks



Event Agenda
  • 7:30 Circle Up

  • 7:45 Leave EarthCorps for the site
  • Put out directional A-frames along the way

  • 8:30 Arrive at site for set up

  • 9:15 Circle Up

  • 9:30 Ready for volunteer arrival

  • 10:00 Volunteers Arrive

  • 12:00 Break

  • 12:20 Back to work

  • 1:35 10 minute warning to volunteers – Pace your site

  • 1:45 Start reflection

  • 2:00 Event Ends

  • 2:10 Start Master Tool Count and Loading

  • 2:45 Circle Up for Next Steps and Clean up Assignments

  • 3:00 Leave for EarthCorps

  • 3:30 Arrive EarthCorps for Clean Up

  • 4:15 Circle Up for Team Reflection

Project Manager/Event Point Person
  • Complete work logs and turn in
  • Send thank you email
  • Download and name pictures, send to agency contact if necessary
  • Make sure all loose ends are tied up

Restoration at UVic - Meeting Sustainability Targets

The following is adapted from my final project for the Restoration of Natural Systems Diploma Program. My project consisted of organizing a student group to undertake restoration of an on-campus natural area, namely, Haro Woods, located on Arbutus Road to the north-east of the University of Victoria campus. Four students participated in a work party on a rainy November Saturday in Haro Woods, removing the invasive (and toxic) plant, Laurel Leaf Daphne (Daphne laureola). By activating the student population in work parties to carry out restoration, the University has an opportunity to carry out it's sustainability goals as outlined in its Sustainability Plan. The Sustainability Plan is due for renewal in 2013 and a student group has been formed to collect and submit recommendations to the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability. My recommendations section from my final project below is my submission to the process.

Restoration of Natural Systems Diploma ER 390 Project

Restoration of Haro Woods: Designing a Program for University Students
to Carry Out On-Campus Restoration

By: Andrew MacKinnon

Date Submitted: December 20, 2012


Through the activities of the on campus project team, the Restoration Volunteers Network (RVN) club will be able to assist the University in reaching its commitments to preserving and enhancing natural areas on campus. According to the Vision section of UVic's Sustainability Action Plan (2009-2013), it states, “our physical campus can act as a learning laboratory for innovative programs, policies, infrastructure and activities” (pg. 4). Potentially, under a living laboratory concept, resources for restoration from the University include training and providing the physical tools and space for restoration work, while students will provide the hard labour required to organize and execute restoration projects. Public and private sector partners can also be involved in projects to provide equipment and/or specialized expertise. This model has already been in practice in the stream restoration in Mystic Vale, with a private contractor overseeing restoration activities executed by students.

The role of the university can be further integrated with the RVN club's mandate under the University of Victoria's specific sustainability goals. According to the Sustainability Action Plan (2009), in the Goals, Campus Grounds, Food and Urban Agriculture section, it states, “ensure that 50% of natural areas on campus are healthy” (pg. 16). In the Additional Goals, Campus Grounds, Food and Urban Agriculture section, it states, “establish a campus native nursery and plant/seed nursery” (pg. 30). These goals commit the University to restoration activities and to physical structures for propagation of native species for restoration work.

In comparison, the University of British Columbia also endorses a “Campus as Living Laboratory” concept. According to Orion Henderson, Director, Operational Sustainability (via British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association webinar held on October 23, 2012), UBC's sustainability mandate includes the following aspects:

  • meet provincially mandated greenhouse gas reduction goals;
  • integrate operational and academic programs;
  • define the campus as a living laboratory and conduct real-time experiments;
  • partner with business, NGO's, public sector;
  • provide scale up for projects and technology transfer style support.

(For more information see:

An activated, educated, organized, project focused team of RVN club members will provide an excellent resource to enable the University to implement a living laboratory style mandate and achieve its stated sustainability goals in campus grounds.

Time Line for Further Action

The RVN club has the opportunity to expand and further develop over time. Although the continuity of the club will be dependent on the interests of future students, one possible time line for growth of the RVN club's project team is submitted as follows.

Year 1:

  • Start group and provide initial basic training about invasive species.
  • Goal of running two projects or work parties on campus.
  • Develop templates for understanding restoration and for organization of work party activities.
  • Utilize a variety of marketing methods to grow the resources of the RVN club project delivery team: ie. Facebook and video's or other resources from existing restoration groups (ie. see Earthcorps templates in Appendix).

Year 2:

  • Continue to run two projects (one in each semester) utilizing templates
  • Train in restoration of streams and native species propagation
  • Engage the University concerning sustainability goals including the native species nursery and making 50 per cent of natural areas “healthy”

Year 3:

  • Continue to run at least two projects (one in each semester)
  • Coordination with UVic Facilities Management and public/private partners on native species propagation
  • Prepare input on living laboratory model for Campus Sustainability Plan 2014-2018 as a basis for funding for future activities

Year 4:

  • Continue to run at least two projects (one in each semester)
  • Continue native species propagation and planting program
  • Begin monitoring assessment of past projects, revisiting previous restoration sites to assess impacts
  • In coordination with outside community groups and the University, organize focused events such as:
    • Elementary and high school visits to restoration sites
    • Public Tours
    • Presentation to RNS Restoration Conference
    • Natural Area maintenance days (garbage collection, invasive species removal and native species propagation and planting)
    • Trail mapping, building and maintenance
    • Stream restoration or wetland restoration
    • Outreach with user groups – ie. bicycle users for trails, pet owners, naturalists

With the above structure and organization in place, the actual projects undertaken can vary from year to year, while the resource of trained, engaged student restoration organizers is maintained and grown. It is hoped that by starting the RVN club project team in this direction, the mandate to engage students in restoration activities on campus will assist in the achievement of the University's sustainability goals with respect to its protected natural areas.